Ja ilmoja sen kuin pitelee! – And it’s downpouring for a change!

Ja ilmoja sen kuin pitelee! – And it’s downpouring for a change!

Kuvat puhukoot puolestaan…I allow the pictures speak in stead of me…

Ensin oli muutama auringonsäde… – First we saw a few sunrays…
Sitten taivas repesi… – And then we got a thunderstorm..

Vesiallas ja rännit lainehtivat – The waterpool and rainspout were flooding

6 thoughts on “Ja ilmoja sen kuin pitelee! – And it’s downpouring for a change!

  1. Satu, all these pictures I can see too. My pond was overflowed by the rain! I hope your roses survived.

  2. I have just looked through some of your posts – you have a beautiful garden – the rain makes everything lush and green. Thank you for commenting on my blog.

  3. That's a beautiful frontyard and the rain looks nice too. This from steaming hot southeast US. Beautiful pot!

  4. Your garden is getting the same weather as mine. We've had thunderstorms almost everyday, and the garden is more than saturated,so it pools up on my patio. On the bright side, everything is lush and green (if it is not beaten into the ground).

    The first photo has a beautiful effect, with the sun's rays streaming across our garden.

  5. Teillä näyttää totisesti satavan enemmän kuin täällä hitaiden hämäläisten ilmanalassa! Jo kolmas päivä ja aurinkoista… No, puutarha on yhtä sekamelskaa silti, ettei tämä sää kauheasti sitä kyllä kaunista. Iltapäivällä kurssin lopetuksen jälkeen olisi taas tarkoitus mennä kasvihuonetta virkistämään. Ensi viikolla onkin rajut otteet tarpeen, trimmerin on heiluttava ja kunnolla!

    Mukavaa päivää!

    T. Sari

  6. Your plants all look extremely lush and healthy. I particularly like the big fern you have by the pond. What do you do to get it looking like that without any bits going brown and scruffy round the edges?

    I also like your poppies. Mine just started coming out over the last few days but they are lasting one day before the petals drop to the floor. Mysterious.

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