Jos olisin… -haaste – If I were… -challenge

Jos olisin… -haaste – If I were… -challenge

Sain Leena Lumilta aika jännän Jos olisin -haasteen, johon päätin tarttua. –Leena Lumi gave me quite an exciting challenge: If I were… Jos olisin vesi, olisin myrskyävä meri – If I were water, I’d be a stormy sea

Jos olisin villieläin, olisin lintu, joka muuttaa talveksi etelään – If I were a wild animal, I’d be a bird which moves to South for winter time

Kuva Googlesta – Picture from Google

Jos olisin kuollut, olisin Kleopatra – If I were dead, I’d be Cleopatra

Kuva Googlesta – Picture from Google

Jos olisin toteutunut unelma, olisin kaunis huvila meren rannalla – If I were a dream came true, I’d be a beautiful villa by the sea


Jos olisin sävelmä, olisin Bizet:n Carmen – If I were a melody, I’d be Bizet’s Carmen

Jos olisin tuoksu, olisin Pioni – If I were  some fragrancy, I’d be a peony

Jos olisin muisto, olisin nuoruusmuisto – If I were a memory, I’d be a youth memory Jos olisin ruoka, olisin paella – If I were some food, I’d be paella

Jos olisin viikonpäivä, olisin lauantai – If I were a week day, I’d be Saturday Jos olisin kukka, olisin ruusu – If I were a flower, I’d be a rose

Jos olisin maalaus, olisin Albert Edelfeltin Virginie – If I were a painting, I’d be Albert Edelfelt’s Virginie

Jos olisin valo, olisin täysikuu – If I were a light, I’d be a full moon Jos olisin runo, olisin Märta Tikkasen jokin runo – If I were a poem, I’d be some of Märta Tikkanen’s poem Jos olisin joku toinen, olisin Jennifer Lopez – If I were someone else, I’d be Jennifer Lopez ;O)

Jos olisin laulu, olisin Have you ever really loved a woman? – If I were a song, I’d be Have you ever really loved a woman?

Tämän mukavan haasteen saa poimia, ken haluaa! Kiitos Leena, mukavasta haasteesta! – Who ever is willing to have this challenge, may pick this with her / him. Thank you Leena for a nice challenge!

9 thoughts on “Jos olisin… -haaste – If I were… -challenge

  1. WAU! Tuo nuoruusmuisto kiinnostaisi tietää… Pitänee harkita haasteeseen vastaamista!

    T. Sari

  2. Tosi kivat vastaukset sinulla haasteeseen.
    Kirpakkaa pakkaslauantaita.

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